Friday, March 20, 2009


I’m super exhausted as of late, and I blame wine.

If the wine didn’t insist on being consumed in one sitting, then we wouldn’t have a problem. It just seems like a sin to leave liquid in the bottle before bed.

I feel just awful that I failed to acknowledge St. Patrick’s Day here. I mean, my name is Shannon Fitzgerald Connolly. I’m also sad that I not one beer was consumed the whole day because I was bouncing from Insurance to Bartender.

Over the weekend Scott said something along the lines of “Shannon used to throw them back” in college. This is true. I remember the pride I used to take in consuming to Cobra 40’s through a straw in the middle of a dance party in our house. I would buy cases of those things. Even better was when I would arrive in Chicago every year after a 17 hour van ride and Mike Carr would be there with one in hand. How about the hours spent at the Spoke drinking $2.00 Gin and Tonics or (get this) Tequila/Vodka/Redbulls. I called them Diesels.

Don’t even get me started on flip cup.
I realize now how lame this all sounds. First of all, binge drinking is a very serious issue among college kids, and second of all I don’t know if it’s classy to have my glory days defined by 40’s of Cobra. But it’s how I rolled.Now I drink far less than I used to. Mind you, I still go through a couple bottles of wine per week-but it’s nothing like the life I used to lead.

Gone are the days of dance parties until 4am. Waking up wondering why my boots are in the bathtub. Mike coming out into the living room with me passed out on the couch with one boob hanging out. Or the time I was discovered with no pants on, curled up in a little ball on the brown couch. There’s a picture of that. It’s the bum before Diesel. Talk about retro. I no longer wake up and find my phone in the fridge. I don’t cry with my friends locked in my bathroom for hours.

Instead, I class it up. I have wine stained lips and pass out on Ted. Who is always a gentleman about it.


  1. Oh, Shannon...And here I thought I was the only one going through this.

    After spending all of this March 18th alternating between the couch and the bathroom floor, I got to thinking how stupid it was.

    I miss you very much, and I don't regret those days, but it is starting to feel very long ago.


  2. I miss our nights of wine... Good thing you like red and I like white so we could justify having a bottle to ourselves!
