I got home and I couldn't explain why I had laughed so hard.
I couldn't find the right words to describe how funny it was when Robert fell out of his chair, or when the ping pong ball landed in my cleavage. It doesn't come out right when I tell the story of pantsless Camillo at 1:00 in the morning.
Everyone swears they have the funniest most bestest friends ever times a million. I mean read blogs about it every day. I listen to people's stories, I look at their silly pictures online.
I just can't possibly imagine anyone being funnier than my friends.
It's impossible.
At the same time, I can't explain why they are so funny. I can tell you about Dana jumping in the water ass naked at 2:00 in the afternoon, but I might get a chuckle at most. I could try and explain why a drunk Marcello declaring Mia (of all people) his enemy makes me pee in pants, and you would probably fake laugh and shrug. I mean, Camillo said the word "Big Dicker." It's hilarious.
What I can do is make you understand that I care for those people greatly. I could call up any one of them for pretty much anything and get a hand. FNFO is without a doubt my family.
my heart is very warm